假設您想在明年發展業務。您可以先在 SEO 代理商投資一些錢,但對於沒有技術技能的人來說,這似乎是一項艱難的任務! 幸運的是,有一種更簡單的方法 :讓我們確保人們通過使用 XOVI NOW 在線搜索中找到您的公司成功的原因。
超過 100 萬個關鍵字數據庫,用於研究和靈感
分析競爭對手,比較績效並改善 SEO
XOVI NOW 旨在為您的個人網站或客戶網站提供即時價值,從初始網站稽核到建議,以改善搜索引擎結果。
您不必成為 SEO 專家即可提高企業的 Google 排名。XOVI NOW 將為您的業務找出最佳關鍵字,同時也會關注競爭對手的表現。
SEO 是搜索引擎優化的縮寫。這是一項重要的在線營銷策略,致力於引導潛在客戶前往您的網站。它的目標是優化網站,以在搜索引擎中獲得所選關鍵字的頂級位置。通過策略性採用措施來改善網站的技術設置和內容,並獲取來自其他域的反向鏈接來實現這一目標。
SEO 專家應用針對每個類別滿足搜索引擎的排名因素的措施。搜索引擎使用排名因素來確定其在搜索結果中列出網站的位置。
Every day, millions of people use search engines to find information or services from all aspects of life: Recipes, guides, products, flights, navigation, tickets, entertainment, and more. Most people navigate the web using search engines to find answers to their questions and solutions to their challenges.
A study shows that 68% of the web's traffic comes from search engines. 53% of this traffic has its origins in organic search—search results that are not ads (paid search) and can be improved through SEO.
In other words, organic search (SEO) and paid search (SEA, ads in search results) make up the lion's share of traffic on the web.
Even where we go offline is significantly influenced by search engines: We use Google and Apple Maps and local search results to find places and nearby services like hairdressers, supermarkets, restaurants, and doctors. We choose our destination based on online reviews. And we instruct search engine-based services to guide us there, be it by car, public transportation, or on foot.
Now, imagine if your business, products, and services are not listed in search results. Imagine people can't find you online to buy your products or find their way to your brick-and-mortar business. Instead, they will most likely choose your competition.
With the help of SEO, users can find your business, products, and services online—and buy them. As mentioned, that means that people can find you online and much easier offline, too.
SEO maximizes your chances to be listed in top positions for keywords crucial to your business. The better your position, the more people will find their way to your website—preferably on the first page (or top ten) of search results.
Why Page One?
Good question. Studies have shown that 31.7% of users click on the first organic search result (position one); a whopping 75.1% of all clicks go to the top three search results. After that, the number of clicks shrinks rapidly with every following position.
This behavior shows that users rarely look at page two or lower results, let alone click on any of them.
That's why businesses need to be present on the first page of search results, at least for relevant keywords.
In short: It's crucial for freelancers and business owners to
關鍵字 是用於搜索查詢(單詞,短語,句子和問題)的技術術語。在他們的幫助下,用戶可以找到回答他們問題並提供解決方案的內容。簡而言之,關鍵字是用戶和您的網站之間的鏈接。搜索引擎將關鍵字與網站進行比較,尋找相關性最高的內容。
SEO 的重要部分在於識別具有潛力引導您網站的相關流量的關鍵字,換句話說,吸引潛在客戶。為此,您需要識別人們在搜索類似您的優惠時使用的搜索詞(或關鍵字)。這個過程稱為關鍵字研究。理想情況下,關鍵字研究為您提供關鍵字列表,涵蓋整個客戶旅程中的搜索查詢。
因此,我們知道相關性是在搜索結果中排名第一的關鍵因素。若要建立相關內容,您需要處理個別子頁面或 URL 上關鍵字相關的主題和問題。然後,確保您的關鍵字出現在頁面上的重要位置。
假設你從事冰淇淋業務。您的關鍵字之一是 s'mores 冰淇淋三明治。現在,您將專注於與 s'mores 冰淇淋三明治有關的一切。
您想要做的就是為 s'mores 冰淇淋三明治 創建一個食譜頁面,用戶可以找到易於操作的食譜,圖片或視頻,以及他們可能遇到的問題的答案。 S'mores 冰淇淋三明治 是您的重點關鍵字,該關鍵字應該出現在頁面的 URL,標題,標題等中。
First, check out the advisor's board by clicking Advisor in the top navigation bar. It is a Kanban board helping you organize your tasks by status. Your tasks are color coded by importance:
You can drag and drop as you complete tasks, assign tasks to other users (depending on your plan), and filter by the assignee.
As mentioned above, tasks are a mix of standard basic SEO measures and issues found in weekly automated audits of your website.
這就是為什麼我們提供 項目可見性的原因。此測量結果的計算方式與「可見性」相同,但專案可見性僅根據排名追蹤器中的關鍵字而不是使用 500,000 個跨行業關鍵字。
您可以在這裡找到項目可見性: 項目 → 排名跟踪器 → 可見性。
正如您可能已經知道,您也可以在排名跟踪器中跟踪競爭對手的排名。這樣,您也將獲得他們的項目可見性,從而進行更加逼真的比較。因此,即使他們的產品或服務組合略有不同,Project Visibility 也會專屬於您實際共享的關鍵字。
簡短答案:不要將改善可見性成為 SEO 策略中的目標。
長答:可見性 反映 單一指標中你的排名品質;這不會帶來更好的排名。為您的目標提高您的相關關鍵字排名,這些關鍵字實際上可用來尋找與您類似您的產品和服務。提高排名也會提高您的可見度。但是真正重要的是你的排名。